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UK Funds to support SME & Export

UK Funds to support SME & Export

Udział w wydarzeniu ・ 13 sty 2016 Więcej Open In New icon

The aim of this series of events will be both inclusive, in that they will attract representatives from various institutions, as well as thematically comprehensive - covering various business, economic, financial, trade, diplomatic and political issues that are considered to be highly important to businesses working in a European context, focusing in particular on exploring; - The UK's EU Referendum and its impact on the future of the UK-EU relationship - The impact of the UK’s EU Membership on financial, economic, trade and investment policies as well as regulatory issues - UK’s trade with other EU countries - Capital Markets Union - Jobs, growth and investment - Digital Single Market - Energy Union - Deeper and fairer Single Market - Business and investment opportunities in the UK - Opportunities and challenges of EU-US Trade and investment Partnership (TTIP)

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