Elasty Fillers, Elasty D Plus, Elasty G Plus, Elasty F Plus

Delivery time is 3-5 business days, Wholesale&Retail, Free shipping over $600


For more details and prices, please contact us via WhatsApp: +48 883 431 490 Revainlab serves as a wholesaler company that provides original aesthetic products at the most competitive market prices. We try to meet the needs of every customer segment we work with: 1) If you are interested in wholesale purchase, you can contact us via email or WhatsApp for details. 2) If you are interested in a quick purchase of small quantities, you can place your order online on our website >>> https://revainlab.pro/ Elasty – brand of dermal fillers by Dongbang Medical Co. The company from South Korea is one of the leading companies in the field of aesthetic cosmetology, specializing in scientific research and development on the basis of its own production facilities of innovative products to improve people’s quality of life. One of the company’s products – Elasty filler is a line of hyaluronic acid gel fillers with lidocaine includes several products: Elasty F, Elasty D and Elasty G.

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